New therapeutic approach, new delivery mechanism
Mohammad Sharif Sharifi, Renata Andrzejewska and Neda Blackwood
Australian Food and Pharmaceutical Industries, Australia
: J Food Nutr Disor
Delivering medication efficiently and effectively has always been a challenge. Supplementary medication and nutraceutical, in particular, are large and unpleasant to injest. AFPI intends to revolutionise the therapeutic approach and delivery mechanism by offering an alternative and exciting product; Mast Chew Plus. Existing products such as X, Y, Z and (butadiene-based synthetic rubber) vita-chewing gum fall short of achieving a truly innovative, alternative product that provides for a wide range needs. Our product is distinctively unique as it is made from a natural gum base with naturally occuring antimicrobial activity. It is also an environmentally friendly product that is biodegradable. We are currently developing nutraceutical /vitamin enriched chewing gum, as well as BCAA sport supplement bars, and libido enhancers. AFPI aims to expand into a broader spectrum of drugs such as calcium supplements, statin and even prescribed routine medication. Therefore mentioned gum base is obtained from trunk exudates of various trees including genus Pistachia. These trunk exudates are mainly composed of triterpenes and triterpenoids with well-known antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral activities which have historically been used as a form of traditional and complementary medicine for the treatment of stomach ulcers, abdominal pain, heartburn, as well as gastric and intestinal ulcers.
Mohammad Sharif Sharifi is currently working at, Australian Food and Pharmaceutical Industries, Australia. He has extended his valuable services and has been a recipient of many awards and grants. He has made his valuable contributions and discoveries in major area of research. His area of expertise credits him with many publications in national and international journals.