New concept in automation: ePAC

M Járrega

Schneider Electric, Spain

: J Electr Eng Electron Technol


Major trend for process end users to employ open networking technologies, such as EtherNet/IP, to be able to take advantage of an open integration environment is day by day more demanded by the end costumers. The increasing need for distributed intelligence makes networking critically important. This market driver is leading to increased adoption of ePACs with built-in Ethernet backbones, especially for connectivity to either on-premise or cloud-based enterprise applications, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), anufacturing execution systems (MES), enterprise asset management (EAM), and supply chain management (SCM). Today’s connected applications demand tighter integration and more information, with a higher expectation that the control system will initiate communication, update the controller at the device level in real time, and serve up potentially massive quantities of information. Automation platforms with a built-in Ethernet backbone help meet these requirements in a highly flexible manner because they can support instant access, regardless of hierarchy, and avoid the limitations of proprietary software interfaces and protocols. Network-centric ePACs with a built-in Ethernet backbone are accelerating the trend towards distributed I/O, providing process end users with significant cabling cost savings and reductions in installation, start-up and commissioning costs. Using Ethernet cables to replace I/O extension cables and field bus cables can result in significant cabling cost savings. Ethernet cables are also much less expensive than even standard coaxial cables. In addition, the use of single optical fibers to connect long distance remote drops and devices can also result in significant cabling cost savings. ePACs create new opportunities for both traditional in-rack applications as well as for distributed I/O.


M Jarrega studied Industrial Engineer in ETSEIIB in Barcelona (specialty Energy) UPC (1989). He began his career in AESA, company leader in Cogeneration technology and developed a specific SCADA adapted to Cogenerations plants with services embedded. In 1994, he joined to Schneider Electric, where he was MV control and protection systems Director (2006-2007), Medium voltage Primary distribution, electrical projects and services Director from 2007-2011 and Spain Services sales Director in 2012. Today, he is South Europe Application Center Director, leading automation projects and services business.

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