Microsurgery in external sinus lifting
Behnam Sakibaie
University of Pennsylvania, USA
: Dent Health Curr Res
Sinus lift procedure has become the most scientifically recognized bone augmentation technique in posterior maxilla in oral implantology. But intraoperative complications such as sinus membrane perforations, the high rate of patient morbidity related to the extensive surgical trauma and insufficient implant primary stability still cause surgeon´s and patient´s discomfort. Therefore in recent years intraalveolar (internal) sinus lift is getting more popular. But especially in cases with advanced 3-dimensional alveolar bone atrophy internal sinus lift is contraindicated. Therefore Shakibaie developed and published the new technique of MGES (Microscopically guided external sinus floor elevation) in 2008 and 2010 with new microsurgical external sinus lift instruments as a minimally traumatic alternative to internal sinus lift. MGES enables the micro surgically experienced surgeon to reduce the trauma of sinus lift significantly and to increase the safety and predictability of this technique too. MGES main conditions are optical magnification of surgical microscope or loupe, specially developed microsurgical sinus lift instruments, technically trained surgeon and assistance.
Sakibaie is doctorate at Berlin University on Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR). He has specialization in oral surgery in Berlin. He is visiting faculty at University of Pennsylvania, USA
E-mail: drsasanmomeni112@gmail.com