Maximizing aesthetics on single implants

Miguel Monteiro de Carvalho Neto

University of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil

: Dent Health Curr Res


The beauty in implant dentistry is that every case is an individual challenge. An ideal implant treatment uses procedures, techniques, materials, and technologies that lead fast and on the shortest way to a maximally aesthetic result. The main goal is to achieve osseointegration and aesthetics in order to get long-term stability. For this, we need to obtain both, bone formation and gum thickness, as any failure in one of the 2 factors, will induce the loss of the second factor. The purpose of this presentation is to show participants the tissue stabilization factors and to demonstrate how to achieve the planned results at a single tooth replacement.


Miguel Monteiro de Carvalho Neto is now working as an invited Professor at Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). He is also a Professor of French Implantology Association. Paris-France (


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