Loneliness among inpatients diagnosed with schizophrenia: its correlation and relations with social support and satisfaction with life
Shaher H Hamaideh
The Hashemite University, Jordan
: J Nurs Patient Care
Background & Purpose: Patients with schizophrenia suffer from loneliness, inadequate social support, and low levels of satisfaction with life, which make them more vulnerable to relapse and exacerbate of their symptoms. There is a gap in research studies that examine the predictors and relations of loneliness with social support and satisfaction with life. Therefore, this study aimed at identifying the predictors and relationships of loneliness with social support and satisfaction with life. Methods: Data were collected from 230 patients with schizophrenia through a structured interview using Loneliness Scale, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, Satisfaction with Life Scale, and demographics. Results: The mean score of loneliness was 52.6 (SD=7.5). Two-thirds of the participants had moderate to high level of loneliness. The mean score of perceived social support was 44.86 (SD=16.84). The highest level of social was from significant others. The mean score for satisfaction with life was 17.12 (SD=7.73). Significant correlations were found between loneliness and perceived social support, satisfaction with life, age at diagnosis, duration of disorder, and duration of treatment. Three factors (satisfaction with life, social support from friends, and duration of treatment) predicted loneliness explaining 41.3 % of the total variance. Conclusions: Psychiatric nurses caring for patients with schizophrenia should incorporate new treatment strategies that aimed at decreasing levels of loneliness and enhancing social support and satisfaction with life among their patients.