Linking academia, industry, and government in developing disruptive big data analytics technologies
Borko Furht
Florida Atlantic University, USA
: J Comput Eng Inf Technol
In this talk, we first introduce the NSF-sponsored Industry/University Cooperative Center for Advanced Knowledge Enablement at Florida Atlantic University (FAU), which presently has 34 industry members with about $5 million in funding. The center is successfully building a bridge linking academia, industry, and government in a coordinated research initiative. We present non-traditional, radical university arrangements that we implement in order to create an entrepreneurial university. We describe several applied research projects conducted within the center to develop disruptive technologies in the areas of big data analytics, machine learning, and multimedia data mining. The specific projects include modeling Ebola spread using big data analytics, developing innovative machine learning technologies for HPCC platform, medical image analysis using deep learning techniques, and deep learning algorithms for use cases in auto industry. These projects are initiated by industry partners who are members of the center and who are interested to apply the obtained research results and create successful commercial products.