Light Up Your Practice with Laser
Niladri Maitia
GuruNanak Institute of Dental Science& Research, India
: Dent Health Curr Res
Laser use in dentistry was recommended about 35 years ago as a means of using energy produced by light to take away or modify hard tissues and soft tissues in the oral cavity. The use of laser in dentistry field has been tremendously increased for the past few years. Laser dentistry takes opportunity of new developments in dentistry to provide dramatically better dental experiences which yield lesser side effects as compared to conventional treatments. The main advantage in using laser technology is reduced patient discomfort and stress. This workshop emphasizes on use of laser in general dentistry. The one-day course includes an introduction of lasers from fundamentals to clinical procedures. Key features of the workshop include: Introduction to laser dentistry, fundamentals of laser dentistry, properties of laser, different types of laser, laser-tissue interaction, rational choice of different laser in different clinical situations, myths in laser dentistry and changing trends in laser application.
Niladri Maiti has completed his BDS and MDS in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics. He did his basic laser training from Society of Oral Laser Application, SOLA, Vienna (Module I and II) followed by Basic Laser Certification from WLFD (World Federation of Laser Dentistry). He has completed his one-year Postgraduate Diploma in Laser Dentistry from University of Genova, Italy followed by MSc in Laser Dentistry from University of Genova, Italy. He has numerous national and international publications to his credit.