Increasing students understanding about experiences about living in low-income families
Anne Vuori and Päivi Ivanoff- Lahtela
Lahti University of Applied Sciences, Finland
: J Nurs Patient Care
Understanding about family members’ experiences of daily living help nursing students to develop their competences in supporting families living in risk conditions. Here we will present the study about experiences of low-income families. The purpose of this study was to describe and understand the experiences of well-being and its support in low-income families with children. The aim was to generate knowledge of well-being in everyday life from the perspective of Finnish low-income families with children. Based on the phenomenological method, the informants of this study consisted of 15 mothers, 7 fathers and 12 family members, who were interviewed together. Data were analyzed by inductive analysis method based on descriptive and hermeneutic phenomenology. The result of study, the structure of meaning of well-being in low-income families was derived from the perspective of their daily family living. Meanings of well-being were found to be individual but common as well. Common meanings of these families were’ well-being were daily health, meaningful activities, “living from day to day”, practical social network, “Blowing together into one coal”, sufficient economical subsistence, the common rhythm of everyday life and meaningful action, which support managing and coping. Mothers appreciated the support of significant other, the empowering motherhood, flow of everyday life, internal family functioning and the role of mother as facilitator of her own and the family’s well-being. Fathers appreciated the chance to be father, food as a source of pleasure and the right to be individual. Experiences of support were personal and related to situation of each family. They were given and they needed different kinds of support some of which ended up worsening well-being. This study concentrated on meanings of well-being in families living in challenging economical living conditions. We have used these results strengthen the nursing students’ understanding about different life situations in family nursing course.
Anne Vuori is Senior Lecturer of Lahti University of Applied Sciences in Faculty of Social and Health Care. Education: 2012 University of Tampere, Doctor of Health Sciences, Family Nursing (PhD), 1997 University of Tampere, Master in Nursing science (MN Sc), 1990 Helsinki University, Helsinki (Finland) Cum laude in Science of Education. Professional experience: 1.8.1990 - Lecturer, Senior lecturer and Coordinator of education (1.1.2013 – 31.7.2016).
Päivi Ivanoff-Lahtela is Senior Lecturer of Lahti University of Applied Sciences in Faculty of Social and Health Care. Education: 1997 University of Tampere, Master in Nursing science (MN Sc); 1984 Hämeenlinna Institute of Health Care, Rregistered nurse (RN); 1987 Turku Institute of Health Care, Children´s Nurse; 2011 Häme University of Applied Sciences, Teacher Education College, Guidance Counsellor. Professional experience: 1.1.1997 - Lecturer, Senior lecturer, Guidance Counsellor (2011-2016).