Improper communication leads to the brain haemorrhage in vulnerable people
Sofica Bistriceanu
Academic Medical Unit, Romania
: J Nurs Patient Care
Background: alleviating the body, spirit suffering is essential for health restoration. The mental or physical pain maintains, accelerates the disease’s evolution, and balancing distress assists the blood vessels functioning to getting much better cells’ functioning in the injured area. The aim: reveal the management complexity for the minor brain haemorrhage in vulnerable patients, the value of its components timely applied for the recovery, preventing, or reducing palliative care, cost. Material & Method: qualitative study performed by the author into the community, from 2016 to 2022, relating to the communication skills significance for brain functioning in troubled times. Findings: patient, 51, experienced from time to time improper communication with some community members. At the beginning of January 2022, after a forceful discussion face-to-face with her business partners in the office, she presented a headache. The next day, in the morning, she observed in the upper and lower right eyelid skin problems: red-purple colour, oedema; headache was maintained. Patient health history: hysterectomy: 2017; hypertension, 2018; divorced patient, 2019. Patient family health history: mother, brothers: type 2 diabetes, hypertension; father: hypertension. Actions were taken: the patient called her family physician; a minor brain haemorrhage was registered by the doctor, and she recommended her the treatment into the hospital. The patient did not agree with that; in addition, she did not consider the bed rest benefit for the disease evolution, as it was recommended by the physician, and the patient decided to continue to work daily, taking only the drugs. The doctor managed the situation using IT technology, drugs, communication skills, behaviour change information. Results: after 17 days the patient’s skin lesions were reduced in the upper and lower right eyelid. In the last few days, the physician notified the patient’s resistance to timely responding; she replied to her questions using short messages, assuring her that she is in a good health, and the patient became not to answer at the follow-up doctor’s calls visits. Conclusions: minor 1 brain haemorrhage alters the cells’ functionality in the injured area. Best results in such situations mean paying attention to the value of other components of disease management: bed rest, emotional support, communication skills, and stable and comfortable environment air energy. Lack of some of them prolongs the disease’s evolution, maintaining altered working in the damaged area. Implications: in women in middle age, the hormonal constellation variation facilitated by the hysterectomy, and hypertension makes them more vulnerable in front of improper communication. Unsafe words’ energy transfer to the individual in such conditions may cause a minor haemorrhage in the fragile area, and extended time action of such undesired people’s interactions can lead to more altered cells’ function in that zone. For the individual, the health alarming time means more attention for the mental, physical condition; the Job concern is not a top priority in such situations. The patient’s daily work in critical moments does not orchestrate the recovery. The bed rest, when necessary, has to be taken into account. Emotional support improves the clinical outcomes, and uncontrolled emotional, physical exercises are worsening the cells’ function. The patient proves sensitivity to the communication skills; words usage in trouble time, tone, thread, kindness, compassion, counselling are very effective techniques in such moments. The patient has to understand the value of the disease’s composite management for his/her health. Neglecting the measures mentioned above leads to relapse, palliative care implying other procedures, actions, increased cost to attenuate the discomfort generated by uncontrolled blood vessels haemorrhage. The patient’s agreement with the medical team recommendations supposes the art of transferring the data of interest: not to impose, not to force, only quiet flooding of information. Educational programs are necessary.