How to obtain and use growth factors for bone regeneration?
Fabricio Le Draper Vieira
Centre for Post-graduate studies, Brazil
: Dent Health Curr Res
Are you still using autogenous bone? The need for soft tissues which are viable to the installation of osseointegrated implants is a reality in Implantology. The autogenous bone is, classically, a gold standard; however that removal becomes invasive and cause injury to the donor areas. The literature has been presenting alternatives like xenogeneic, allogeneic or synthetic materials. The possibility of the utilization of a three-dimensional matrix of autogenous fibrin rich in growth factors associated with third-generation bio ceramic material has been shown promise like an ideal scaffold for tissue regeneration. The author will show this alternative for tissue regenerations, to discuss that obtaining protocols and the advantages and disadvantages of the technique.
Fabricio Le Draper Vieira is a Brazilian Dental Surgeon, graduated 18 years ago from Valenca University. He is also a Medical Sciences Doctor Graduated from Rio de Janeiro State University. He has completed his MS and Specialization on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery from UCCB-SP-Brazil. He is the Director of CEVO, a Centre for Post-graduate studies in Dental Specialties. He is a required speaker around the world with speeches and classes on USA, French, Spain, Argentina and Portugal. He is the Chairman of ELBI (Luso-Brazilian Meeting of Implantology) an International Meeting about Implantology.