How to choose the best shade in aesthetic dentistry?
Carina Mehanna Zogheib
Lebanese Dental Association, Lebanon
: Dent Health Curr Res
How to choose the best shade in Aesthetic Dentistry colour? Attractive restorative outcomes begin with an adequate tooth shape and silhouette that reflect light properly. This is essential to meet patients’ expectations and positively influence their self-esteem. The colour the eye perceives is a wavelength of light that our eyes interpret using rods and cones. The rods see black and white and the cones perceive colours. To improve ability to perceive colours, one should understand the shortcomings of shade guides, eyes, lighting conditions and surroundings. Clinical skill is certainly fundamental when selecting tooth shades. This presentation will highlight the major elements and techniques in Aesthetic Dentistry to fully understand the colours and many hints and tricks to choose the best shade for a perfect cosmetic restoration.
Carina Mehanna Zogheib has DDS, CESA, DEA, PhD in Biology and Materials of the Oral Environment. She is a Fellow in the ICD. She is President of scientific committee of Lebanese Dental Association and Director of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry Postgraduate Program in St. Joseph University, Beirut, Lebanon. She is President of Continuing Education Committee, Lebanese Dental Association from 2012-2015. She is the Head of Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry department, Saint Joseph University, Beirut 2007-2013. She is on International Advisory Board in Smile Dental journal and Scientific Reviewing Board in the International Arab Journal of Dentistry. She is an International lecturer and published many articles in local and international journals.