How does organizational culture impact RN engagement
Veronica Ruffin-Ellis
Walden University, USA
: J Nurs Patient Care
There is a wide range of literature that focuses on the importance of RN engagement; however, there are few health care organizations that have taken the initiative to implement programs that foster RN engagement. In multiple studies, RN engagement correlates directly with patient safety, quality, and patient experiences. Hence the understanding of RN engagement and its drivers must be a intentional goal of an organization. This project focused on the relationship between the levels of RN engagement and their perceptions of their organizational culture. Focusing on a small community hospital in New York, the research question addressed existing levels of RN engagement and their perceptions of their organizational culture. As described by Kolcaba, a humanistic approach to meeting the needs of RN staff will benefit both the RN and the organization. The correlational design included review of the NDNQI RN engagement surveys conducted from 2012 to 2014. The findings noted concerns related to nursing participation in hospital affairs as well as staffing and resource adequacy. Nursing foundations for quality of care was the only significant driver related to RN levels of engagement. RN engagement is crucial to the profession’s sustainability when considering the influence of demographic, economic, and technological pressures felt throughout the health care industry. RN engagement is also crucial to the success of strategies to improve health care delivery outcomes across the continuum of care.
Veronica Ruurin-Ellis has completed her DNP at the age of 48 years from Walden University. She is the Director of Staff Development, at Terence Cardinal Cooke, a Long Term Care Facility of Archcare. She has worked as an adjunct professor at her alma mater, The College of New Rochelle. Dr. Ellis ha salso been the key note speaker at the pinning ceremony of another alma mater, Bronx Community College where she has also been the guest speaker for lecture for a senior class.