Globalization the major cause of food contamination need prompt action

Muhammad Suhail Ibrahim, Asif Ahmad, Asma Sohail, Ali Asad Yousaf and Muhammad Khalid Ibrahim

PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Combined Military Hospital Rawalpindi, Pakistan

: J Food Nutr Disor


Alarmingly increasing globalization is not only wiping out the resources but also cause of creating health concerns of domesticating people. The produce of their livings and chemicals used for various processes are major source of food contamination. Food contamination is happening either accidently or chemicals are being added intentionally in form of food additives, preservatives and taste enhancers. Food contamination is causing food borne diseases. Chemical contaminants are various from the field to the plate, namely soil, environment, disinfection byproducts, personal care products, air, water and packaging material. Chemical contaminants inhibit almost all the mass-produced everyday use products such as disinfectants, plastics, detergents and deodorants. History of food contamination is right from the era with the domestication of humans. Extensive use of chemicals for plant protection is contaminating the produce right from the field. Microbial contamination is increasing due to unavailability of storage facilities at farm level and lack of awareness of farming community, similarly administration of veterinary drugs during rearing of livestock for milk and meat purpose creating hormonal disturbances among human being (early puberty because of administration of oxytocin). The toxins produced by the microorganisms are creating various health hazards. The US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention recorded about 11,000 foodborne infections in the year 2013 with several agents like viruses, bacteria, toxins, parasites, metals and other chemicals causing food contamination. Chemical contamination of food is creating mild gastroenteritis to fatal cases of hepatic, renal and neurological syndromes. Ingestion of contaminated food with pesticides and heavy metals could cause gastrointestinal problems. Food contamination is a matter of serious concern, as the high concentration of chemicals present in the edibles poses serious health risks. Current scenario demands immediate and prompt action against harmfulness of contaminated foods. The whole food chain is responsible for the food contamination including food production, processing, packaging, transportation and storage. Extensive monitoring of whole food chain is needed to eradicate food contamination.

