Gemination: Case report
Haya Al Zamil
Prince Sultan Military Medical City, Saudi Arabia
: Dent Health Curr Res
Gemination is an uncommon anomaly that can be defined as incomplete attempt of a single tooth bud to form two crowns with a common root canal or rarely separate canals. The etiology can be considered multifactorial, genetic, hereditary similar to the one effecting the dental lamina and resulting in hypodontia and environmental causes such as trauma prevalence rate of gemination appear to be variable, the overall prevalence is 0,1% in permanent dentation, where its more in primary dentation by rate of 0,5 , and it is more in maxillary teeth effecting incisors and canine more than bicuspids and molar, bilateral gemination is less frequented in both dentations with prevalence of 0,02%. Due to the irregular morphology unpleasant esthetic appears to be strong demand of patient to seek treatment at dental clinic, with consideration of susceptibility to caries and periodontal disease due to deep groove presence in the teeth. This paper represents case of unilateral geminated tooth and the orthodontic and restorative treatment of maxillary central and lateral incisors of a 33-years old Saudi female patient. Management and treatment for such anomalies are challenging for clinicians, each case has its own treatment plane according to finding of clinical and radiographic examination.
Haya Al Zamil, has completed BDS in Misr University for Science and Technology, Egypt. Advanced Education In General Dentistry, PAADI Saudi Arabia. She is working at Prince Sultan Military Medical City in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.