Fulminant gas gangrene in an adolescent: A case report pointing out important of early diagnosis in survival of the patient
Sonal Agarwal
Dr. Vaishampayan Government Medical College, India
: J Virol Antivir Res
Clostridial soft tissue infection includes cellulitis, myositis and clostridial myonecrosis here we present a case report of 13 year old boy with history of trauma (fall from bike during road accident) in left limb. Patient was admitted to the hospital with a history of trauma to left limb 2 days back since last 18 hours patient had fever, severe pain in whole left limb, patient notice change in color of limb and Edema on the site with limited mobility and crepitation. Orthopaedic reference was taken and the patients limb was not fractured, since the pain was progressively increasing, gas gangrene was considered. Call was given for microbiological evaluation, deep tissue was collected in Robertsons Cooked meat medium and 3 smears were made bedside. After Gram staining there was evidence of Gram positive bacilli and Gram positive cocci with no pus cells, provisional report was given positive for gas gangrene, so accordingly treatment was started promptly. Later confirmed with Gram stain smear from RCM broth which showed Gram positive bacilli with subterminal spores, subculture was made on blood agar with proper maintenance of anerobiosis, growth appeared after 48 hours, which was later confirmed with standard procedure.
Sonal Agarwal is currently pursuing MD in Microbiology from Dr. Vaishampayan Government Medical, India. Her research interests is in virology.
E-mail: sonalagarwal1424@gmail.com