Female infertility management: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment
Aboubakr Elnashar
Benha University Hospital, Egypt
: Androl Gynecol: Curr Res
Number of women above 40 y seeking IVF is increasing. 25% of ICSI cycles in Europe are done for women above 40 y. Outcome of ART is adversely affected by advancing maternal age. Decreased fecundity is particularly noticeable above 30 y, accelerating between 35 and 40 y and reducing to almost zero at 45 y. Women above35 years of age should be referred for infertility work-up after 6 months of trying to conceive. Ovarian reserve tests have poor predictive value for non pregnancy and should be used to exclude women from treatment, only if levels are significantly abnormal. IVF is a woman’s best chance of a successful ongoing pregnancy in this age group, and that opting for ovulation induction and IUI with either CC or FSH can waste much precious time and thus reduce her chances of success with IVF. Women above 40 should consider IVF if they do not conceive within 1 to 2 cycles of COH. Recent studies have reported a reasonable success rate up to 44 y. Above 45 y, no benefit from ART procedures using their own oocytes. The only effective treatment for ovarian aging is oocyte donation.
Aboubakr Elnashar is a Professor of Ob/Gyn, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Egypt and Chief of early detection of cancer unit, Benha University Hospital, Egypt. He is also a Consultant of IVF &ICSI in Delta Fertility Center & Benha Fertility Center, Egypt. He has a practical experience on Ultrasonography, Laparoscopy, Colposcopy, Cytology, Hysteroscopy, Assisted reproductive technology (IVF & ICSI). He has done many publications and presentations in national & international journals and international scientific meetings. He is a member in Egyptian Society of Obstetrics & Gynecology & Egyptian Society of colposcopy and Secretary General of the clinical Society of Obstetricians & Gynecologists. He is also a President of the clinical Society of Obstetricians & Gynecologists and Assistant secretary general of the Egyptian Society of Fertility & Sterility.
E-mail: e: elnashar53@hotmail.com