Families in paediatric oncology nursing: Critical incidents from the nurses perspective
Tarja Heino-Tolonen
Tays Central Hospital, Finland
: J Nurs Patient Care
Paediatric oncology nurses encounter challenges with families on a daily basis. This study explores how nurses describe significant incidents when encountering families and family members during the child's hospitalisation in the paediatric oncology unit. Design and Methods: A qualitative study with a phenomenological approach in which 17 paediatric oncology nurses from three different hospitals described critical incidents related to families. The participants' written descriptions were analysed using inductive content analysis. Results: The results indicate three domains where critical incidents occur: 1) Families' capability and resources, 2) parents' behaviour and 3) emotional labour in paediatric oncology nursing. Conclusion: The results indicate that paediatric oncology nurses face situations with patients' parents that can cause them stress and uncertainty, as well as burden them emotionally. Some of the incidents dealt with difficult ethical questions. Because of the challenges that families are facing, as described in the study, nurses need to focus more on helping families identify their resources and empower themselves in order to adapt to a new situation in their lives.
E-mail: tarja.heinotolonen@pshp.fi