Factors to be considered to ensure the success of dental implants
Rashad Murad
Damascus University, Syria
: Dent Health Curr Res
Dental implants are by far the best choice for tooth replacement. They should closely mimic the function of natural teeth. Modern implants have high success rate of about 95%, when they are inserted properly and followed up, so they can last for lifetime. So many factors and considerations influence the success of dental implants. These include treatment-planning, surgical and prosthetic keys. When considering patient selection and implant treatment planning, there are several factors that must be considered when using implant therapy. Beyond the simple idea of replacing a missing tooth with an implant, a careful analysis of patients’ oral and systemic health, the amount of residual supporting tissues and the planned restoration must all factor into the planning of dental implants. Much of this information can only be accurately obtained by careful and diagnostic photographs and models followed by diagnostic wax-up of the planned prosthesis. Using the Rules of Six and the Rules of 10, it is possible to plan for implant restorations that have sufficient restorative space to not only provide an aesthetic outcome but also provide for prosthetic longevity leading to great success.
Rashad Murad currently serves as an Ambassador of ICOI-Syria. He is the Chief Director of Dental Association in Damascus. Professor at Damascus University, Inventor of Murad Bridge in Dentistry, General Manager and Owner of Advanced Dental Care Syria for treatment and cosmetic dentistry center. muraddentalcenter@yahoo.com