Evaluation of study of the early loading of immediate implant followed trans-socket sinus lift technique
Walid Ahmed Ghanem
Suez Canal University, Egypt
: Dent Health Curr Res
Patient and methods: This study was carried out on sixteen male patients received sixteen implants. Age ranged between 33-60years and the average was 42 year. After atraumatic extraction of a non- restorable maxillary premolar tooth or remaining root. The native bone distance between the planned non - restorable tooth apex and the sinus floor was less than or equal 2mm. Closed sinus lift was performed then the fixture was inserted into the socket and cover screw was secured to it. Postoperative clinical examination was done for each patient for delayed bleeding, redness, edema, swelling at surgical site, wound dehiscence, pain or implant looseness at intervals 1, after 2, 6 and 9 months postoperatively. CBCTs were done on intervals of two and nine months postoperatively to measure bone density around inserted implants and mean marginal bone loss mesially and distally. Implant stability was measured for all the implants after 2 and 9 months postoperatively by using Osstell ISQ device. Early loading of immediate implants was done after two months. All gathered data were statistically analysis by t-test. Results: All patient showed normal healing with no complication was detected. After 2 months the mean and standard deviation measures of bone density around the inserted implants were (1730±178.77) while there was significant increase in bone density measurements after 9 months where the mean and standard deviation measures were (1890.52 ± 238.42). For marginal bone loss, after 2 months the mean and standard deviation were (0.74±0.11 mm) while after 9months were 0.85 ±0.16 mm. Implant stability after 2 months the mean and standard deviation measures were 68.25±2.12 while after 9 months there was significant increase in measures as the mean and standard deviation measures were 75.18±2.99. Conclusion: Early loaded implant with closed sinus floor elevation is an optimizing technique to restore the function and esthetic.
Professor Dr. Walid Ahmed Ghanem, Professor and Chairman, Department of Medicine and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, He receives Certificate of Excellence in recognition of the publication of a scientific research as international magazines scientific specializing in oral surgery and Maxillofacial and who raise name of the university high in international forums and scientific and research presented by Prof. Dr. Walid serve the local community, national and global, and even have the honor role models and like all researchers at the university.