Esthetic restoration of missing primary centrals using glass-fibers ribbon and composite

Uri Zilberman

Barzilai Medical Center, Israel

: Dent Health Curr Res


Missing upper anterior deciduous teeth may be caused by trauma or due to extraction as a result of extensive carious attack. The premature loss of anterior dentition may affect eating, speech development and behavioral problems. The parents' attitude toward restoration of damaged, unaesthetic or missing anterior teeth is very positive and may influence the final treatment. Several attempts to restore missing anterior teeth using polyethylene fibers were published with positive results. The use of glass fibers as a frame for restoration of missing permanent teeth showed success rate of more than 90% after 5-20 years. The use of glass fibers in pediatric dentistry poses several problems to the clinician: 1. the small size of the crowns that reduce the area of bonding. 2. the adhesive procedure which is affected by the thick a-prismatic layer of the deciduous teeth. 3. the length of the chair side procedure that is affected by the child age and tranquility. The aim of the study was to establish the optimal bonding procedure and bonding material for adhesion of glass fibers frame to deciduous teeth and to develop a method of preparing a preformed rigid frame for restoring missing upper anterior deciduous teeth. The presentation will show the results of the laboratory study and the clinical implication of the procedure with long follow-up periods.



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