Errors in oral health awareness
Syed M Azeem Shah
Isra University, Pakistan
: Dent Health Curr Res
The compromised oral health is not a new issue to us, but as we are growing towards more and more advancements we are also facing more grievous disease and health problems. My aim in this article is to discuss the laps and errors of oral health awareness, which I have noticed. And thanks to those laps in awareness we are facing drastic diseases, e.g. oral cancer, oral ulcerations, odontogenic weaknesses, etc. “Oral health awareness”, is not a new topic to us, but here I will try to discuss not all but few major laps which are causing the failure of all these awareness programs and the solutions which I consider that can aid to improve the conditions of oral health, specially to the community related to poverty scale, which is the community facing the most issues!.