Effectiveness of pediatric health sourcebook for teachers of children with health impairment: Basis for enhancement
Jeeno Jay C Frani
De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute, Philippines
: J Nephrol Ren Dis
This quasi-experimental research design is focused on the effectiveness of pediatric health sourcebook for teachers of children with health impairment. Two groups of respondents were included in the research: The experimental group, where the pediatric health sourcebook was used to impact the knowledge and skills of teachers teaching children with asthma, diabetes mellitus and epilepsy and the control group where said intervention was not used. Findings showed that among the control group, pre-test scores for asthma and epilepsy is high and the scores are low for diabetes. For the pre-test scores of the treatment group, both scores from the respondents are high in asthma and epilepsy and low in diabetes. After 2 weeks of intervention, scores from the control group remained high in asthma and epilepsy and low in diabetes whereas for the treatment group, scores in asthma revealed very high and scores in diabetes and epilepsy remained low and high respectively. In addition, after 4 weeks of intervention, scores from the control group in asthma and epilepsy remained high and low in diabetes. For the treatment group, scores in asthma remained very high, scores in diabetes became high and scores in epilepsy remained high. Furthermore, there is no significant difference between the mean scores of the pre-test and first post-test of the control group and there is a significant difference between mean scores of the pre-test and second post-test scores of the control group. There is a significant difference between the mean scores of the pre-test and first post-test of the treatment group and there is a significant difference between mean scores of the pre-test and second post-test scores of the treatment group. In conclusion, the pediatric health sourcebook is found to be effective as basis of asthma, diabetes and epilepsy specifically on the disease itself and in caring and educating a child diagnosed with such health impairment. In addition, enhancements can be made on the causes and diagnosis of asthma, causes, diagnosis and the different types of diabetes and seizure attack and its management and the different health teachings for epilepsy can be given emphasis or reinforcement.
E-mail: jcfrani@dlshsi.edu.ph