Drug release from a textile fabric to the skin for cutaneous therapies
Radu Cezar-Doru, Ulea Eugen, Radu Cezar-DanieL, Ochiuz Lacramioara
Gheorghe Asachi†Technical University Iasi, Romania
: J Pharm Drug Deliv Res
The paper summarizes the findings of several researches published by our research group in various journals (Journal of Controlled Release, Carbohydrate Polymers, Journal of Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Research, Journal of Materials Science - Materials in Medicine, etc.) on the temporary storage of a drug on a textile fabric worn directly against the skin. Under the action of various dermal stimuli (perspiration, cutaneous enzymes, friction), the drug stored in the fabric of the pajamas top, for instance, is released to the skin. The findings of these researches refer to contact and atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, chronic venous insufficiency and other conditions. The findings described in the paper are based on researches that used the following active ingredients: troxerutin, tacrolimus, hydrocortisone, honokiol, Viola Tricoloris Herba aqueous extract and menthol, Mentha piperita or propolis alcoholic extract. The research consisted of tests conducted to detect DL50 or biochemical blood changes and to determine the drug dose. In vitro release tests and clinical studies were conducted in patients suffering from dermatological conditions. The paper is of a practical exploratory nature and does not provide punctual data on drug doses, prescriptions, concentrations, etc., which may however be found in the References. The paper also tackles the changes occurring in the drug storage system on the fibrous polymer surface depending on the physical and chemical properties of the active ingredient of the drug. The paper provides information meant to assess the potential and limitations of drug transfer from a piece of clothing to the skin.
Email: rcezar2010@yahoo.com