Dr. Sanchez Curettes for Root Decontamination
Paulo Roberto Lisa Sanchez
Scientific Advisor of the Brasilian Academy of Integrative and Regenerative Medicine, Brazil
: Dent Health Curr Res
The root concavities represent an importante anatomical characteristic. In the regions of the middle of dental roots are the greater widhts and dephs of the concativities. There are also the richest areas in periodontal ligament, representing the fulcrum of the teeth.Between 4 and 6 mm, on average for all human teeth, is the middle third.From 4mm, you can find the furca, that is, at the beginning of the middle third of the root, you can also star a bifurcation.In addition, clinically, when we performed the probing, when we reached 4mm in the analysis of insertion loss, we can use this measurement as reference for a diagnosis of furca lesion. All these caracteristics call attention to the need for periodontal instruments that adapt more adequately to the root. Existing instruments, while effective in a certain way, do not have the appropriate design for the treatment for these regions. They are very useful for anatomical regions convex or almost flat, but not for the concave. It´s importante to emphasize that without the correct root decontamination, we perpetuate, mainly in the concavities, a niche of bacterial deposit. Thus, the processo of loss of the dental element is potentiated and in course of this process, the risks of chronic degenerative diseases related periodontites. It´s Periodontal Medicine in evidence. Therefore, after a critical analysis of this subject, by studying the research line of the University of São Paulo, of wich my Masrters and Doctored thesis were part, I developed a curette kit. These instruments are unpublished and of excelente application, both for the clinician and for the specialist. The active parts of the curettes have a design, which facilitates the adaptation of the same to the concavities of the dental roots by medial and distal, especially in the middle thirds, considerably improrving root decontamination during the escaping procedure. They may also be used in regions of root trunks, furca or at the clinical criterion.
Dr. Sanchez completed his PhD from the University of São Paulo.He is the scientific advisor of the Brasilian Academy of Integrative and Regenerative Medicine Brazil. I’m traceje in APCD Paulista Association of Dental Surgeons of São Paulo Regional of Bragança Paulista.