Dismantling the Conceptual Sens of I

Prabha Calderon

Doctorate, France

: Int J Ment Health Psychiatry


At very early stage and under the interpretation of very particular circumstances, every single child feels and/or assumed that “he is not what he/she should be”. This original “feeling of self-doubt” produces a “doubter identity” attached to a “false-core-belief ”, which is the “certitude” upon which his entire psychology is constructed. On time, this “false-core-belief ” is occulted and integrated to existence, as if “it” was part of him. The natural sens on I-amness that was there at the beginning of life is veiled by the “sens of I”. This “I” is the “sufferer” in each one of us that emerges from self-doubt, from the “false core belief ” and from the feeling of loss. In the unconscious attempt to avoid that all, appears then the urge for “becoming someone”. In this way a compensatory “false-personalityself ” is created unconsciously. The mechanisms that confirm the “false-core/false-self ” guaranty the survival of the “sens of I”. The whole construction of the “sens of I” is an “identity hypnotic phenomenon” seeking for strategies and solutions. It is a “highly evolved survival program” that seeks answers to questions about its own conceptual overlay. Self-Enquiry as proposed by Prabhã Calderón is a practice of self-introspection leading to discover the conceptual nature of the “sens of I”. Through the depth of this personal exploration, the “false-core/false-self ” is identified and dismantled progressively at the rhythm and pace of every particular person. Investigating the story of his/her “sens of I”, the enquirer discovers the beliefs systems that confirm his/her seeking activity and the self-referential mechanical loops upon which their “Sens of I” stands; which is opposed to the essential and ineffable nature of I-amness. On time, this practice leads to the awakening from the “false-core/false-self ” fixation. By the practice of self-enquiry, the stressful mechanisms of survival of the mind are transcended and the ever-present now becomes the spontaneous reality of the adult today. It is a profound breaking through which eventually leads to the anchoring of the radiant stillness, the non-dual ever present reality from which every one of us arises.


Prabhã Calderón trained in various psychotherapies with internationally renowned academics. Interrupting her activities as a homeopathic doctor and therapist, she travels frequently to expend time with great teachers of spirituality. Prabhã settles in Europe during his decisive meetings with Dr. Stephen Wolinsky and UG Krishnamurti. Having arrived at a clear vision of the origins and mechanisms of suffering, she has discovered the “circle of mechanisms” that confirm the “sens of I” and its chronic suffering. She is now an international consultant and lecturer dedicated to teach the practice of Self-Enquiry, from the perspective of Non-Duality and the Quantum approach, the work of her life.

E-mail: prabha.calderon@orange.fr

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