Dexamethasone restores the neovascularization of spine cord in an experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) Mouse Model
Xin Wang
ACURE Biotechnology, USA
: J Immunol Tech Infect Dis
Dexamethasone has been used in the therapy of acute multiple sclerosis (MS), multiple myeloma, drug-eluting vascular stents as a drug of anti-inflammation and immunosuppression. However, the main mechanism of dexamethasone is unclear. Here we employed an Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE) mouse model induced by peritoneal injection of Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein (MOG33-35). We decided the start day (E0) for treatment at the next day that paralysis scores become 2. Most of mice reached the peak of severest symptoms at 7th day after the start day (E7) and then the symptoms started getting mild. We chose the 14th day after the start day as the end point of this study (E14). We studied the impact of Dexamethasone on the pathological changes of spine card in the process of outbreak of acute inflammation of spine cord through H&E staining. The spine cord at E7 shown typical pathological characteristics of acute inflammation: swollen of white matter of tissue; invasion of inflammation cells along with appearance of vascular sleeve; micro-vessels in gray matter of spine cord significant decreased, and disappeared at E14. Interestingly, the mice of dexamethasone treatment showed significant maintaining of micro-vessels comparing to un-treated E7 mice (18:1) around the area of central tube of spine cord. The spine cord of E14 mice that treated by dexamethasone shown the enriched micro-vessels, whereas no micro-vessels could be found in untreated E14 mice (24:0). These results suggest that dexamethasone restores the neovascularization in gray matter of inflammatory spine cord. We will study the detail mechanism of neovascularization of steroid therapy in central nervous system for developing drugs to improve the outcome of autoimmune diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular diseases.
Xin Wang had her MD in Hebei Medical University in 1989. She performed clinic practice 10 years in hospital. She has completed her PhD in 2004 from Medical School, Shinshu University, Japan, and postdoctoral study from NIH in USA. She founded her biotech company--ACURE Biotechnology, Inc. in 2013. She is CEO and Chief Science Officer in this company. She had published more than 25 peer reviewed papers in reputed journals and serving as an editorial board member in two repute journals. E mail: