Development of printed antennas for the internet of everything
Ralf Zichner, Andreas Willert and Reinhard R Baumann
Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems, Germany Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany
: J Electr Eng Electron Technol
Printed antennas are printed conductive pattern on flexible or rigid substrates/materials like polymer films, paper, cardboard, glass, ceramic and many more. Printed antennas are flexible shaped objects which can be integrated in almost all commercial wireless communication systems. Antenna types like dipoles, slot antennas, patch antennas, fractal antennas and threedimensional antennas can be printed customized to the application e.g. WLAN, Bluetooth or RFID. The development of such antennas is based on several technologies like advanced radio frequency antenna design, short time antenna design validation by simulation, printing technologies, functionalization of printed silver or copper pattern and antenna characterization by measurements. Our experience and developed antenna solutions can be shown on the basis of specific applications for the internet of everything. Challenges like radio frequency interference effects due to the dielectric properties of different objects of the internet of everything and the cost-effective production of printed antennas have been overcome scientifically and will be shown.