Development of an antenatal screening stool for the detection of vulnerable pregnancies in Antwerp, Belgium
Inge Meyvis
Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen, Belgium
: J Womens Health, Issues Care
Vulnerable pregnant women have extra care needs. Pregnant women with a low Socio-Economic Status (SES) experience a negative impact on pregnancy outcomes and on the health of the very young child (0-3 years). Pregnant women with a low SES have more chronic illnesses and experience more stress. In Flanders, Belgium, the poverty rates keep increasing. In 2015, 1 out of 10 children under the age of 12 lived in families with an increased risk of poverty. Poverty in Antwerp has increased in recent years and poverty rates are higher compared to other areas in Flanders. The concept of vulnerability has been frequently studied and analyzed in health care sciences over the last few decades. Despite the operationalization and concept analyses, there is still no consensus about the definition of vulnerability and the way in which it can be identified. The trend towards more monitoring by midwives offers a unique opportunity to catch alertness to and remediation of vulnerability in the care process. In this study, a screening tool is developed to detect vulnerability in pregnancy as early as possible. At first, midwives (primary and secondary care) and social care workers were asked about their definition of vulnerability by means of focus groups. Besides, they were asked about how this tool should look like. Based on this qualitative research, determinants of vulnerability were identified and a tool to map vulnerability is developed, implemented and tested. After this testing period, the screening tool is adapted to the feedback of the professionals who tested it and implemented in the work field. In the final stage of this study, a care program will be developed, specifically for vulnerable pregnancies.
Inge Meyvis completed her Graduation in Bachelor of Midwifery in 2004 and Master of Science in 2010. She is a Senior Lecturer and Researcher at Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen since 2007. She was the Co-founder of PANZA, which is a perinatal network of health care and social workers in the city of Antwerp. Her field of research is Vulnerability in Pregnancy.