Determining entrepreneural characteristics and tendencies in nursing students
Ebubekir Kayantas and Yasemin Akbal Ergun
Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey
: J Nurs Patient Care
In recent years, perspective of service quality, innovation and creativity approaches have gained importance in the health sector. In this context, qualified and entrepreneurial man power is employed in hospitals; will improve the level of development of institutions and customer satisfaction, and improve the quality of service. This study was conducted with 265 students who agreed to participate in the study to determine the entrepreneurial tendencies of Marmara University Nursing Department students. The data were collected by using the questionnaire prepared by the researcher in accordance with the related literature and containing the 20 questions about the individual and entrepreneurship related variables and the 36 item of "Entrepreneurship Scale". Data were evaluated using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, as well as parametric and nonparametric tests. The average age of the students participating in the survey was 20,85, 73.6% of them were female, 31.3% were in the first grade, 50.6% were born in city, only 24.4% of the students were entrepreneurship education, 47.5% of the parents are self-employed, 17.4% of the parents are working in the public sector, 47.2% of the students have worked previously, 39.2% are older children, and 14% of them wanted to work in their own private company after graduation. When the characteristics of entrepreneurship of the students who are sampled are examined; 41.5% are self-determined, 22,6% were highly self-confident, 17% are brave, Although 76.2% of them stated that there is an entrepreneur in his family and his relatives, 78.9% stated that there is no entrepreneur who can get a model for himself. When the participants' opinions on entrepreneurship are examined; 72.8% of the students stated that “they were not afraid of being different”, 64.6% said that "people who have confidence in their experience take into account the proposals", 62.6% said "they can come from the top of each job without changing the order and rules". 55% stated that they always prefer flexible working hours, 40.4% of them stated that '' entrepreneurship is risky ''. It was determined that the students' entrepreneurship point average was 124 ± 21.61 in the high entrepreneurship category. When the participants' individual and entrepreneurial characteristics, entrepreneurship perceptions and entrepreneurial point averages are compared; there was a statistically significant difference between gender, self-recognition, working status in a job and entrepreneurial point average according to entrepreneurial existence in the family, there was no significant difference between the age, class, place of birth, number of children, place to work in graduation, entrepreneurship as a model in the family, public and free working status of the parents and entrepreneurship average according to the modeled entrepreneurship.