Dental prosthetics with predictable outcome
Alkis Konstantinopoulos
Dental Design Lab, Greece
: Dent Health Curr Res
This presentation is to show how predictable outcome can be achieved in high aesthetic dental prosthetics through digital designing and manufacturing techniques. One of these techniques is 3D prototype printing with DLP printers through the use of certified surgical resins and milled resins prototypes. In addition, this presentation will show how patient wishes/orders can be fulfilled and imprinted in the final outcome through digital designing tools like Exocad True Smile and also how the use of polarized dental photography can lead to an exact and correct communication between the patient, the dentist and the laboratory. As a result, function difficulties are avoided while also changes and/or remakes are not necessary which means the durability and strength of the final prosthesis are not affected. Finally, all above techniques diminish manufacturing and delivery time while also the patient’s stress period as he/she is certain for the final outcome of the prosthesis since the beginning of the procedure.
Alkis Konstantinopoulos completed the Greek National School of Dental Technicians in 2005. He owns dental laboratory which is nowadays one of the most state of the art and fully equipped in Greece, “Dental Design Lab”. In addition, he has published many papers in reputed journals while also he has been invited as an expertise speaker to many conferences worldwide. Furthermore, he is also cooperating with many dental technology companies as a technical consultant.