Dense wireless sensor networks: Exploiting interference for wireless energy harvesting in bidirectional communication
Angelos Antonopoulos and Prodromos Vasileios Mekikis
Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
: J Electr Eng Electron Technol
The introduction of new communication paradigms such as Machine to Machine and Internet of Things, results in the rapid deployment of large-scale dense wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Although the increasing density raises important issues with regard to the interference, it facilitates the wireless energy harvesting (WEH) of the transmissions providing significant benefits for the network lifetime. In addition, the current trend for distributed knowledge in WSNs stresses the need for local information exchange and bidirectional communication. In this talk, we will explain the employment of stochastic geometry to study the performance of bidirectional communications in dense networks with WEH-enabled sensor nodes. In particular, we will focus on three different scenarios (direct, simple cooperative and network coding-aided cooperative) for data exchange and we provide analytical expressions for the probability of successful communication. Then, considering the importance of lifetime in conjunction with the successful data exchange, we will try to quantify the potential energy gains that can be achieved without compromising the provided quality of service. Finally, we plan to present extensive Monte-Carlo simulation results to highlight the importance of WEH in dense networks and identify the trade-offs between different communication scenarios.