Concentrated data on the web - worldwide defined and searchable

Wolfgang Orthuber

University Kiel, Germany

: J Comput Eng Inf Technol


It is well known that the data representation on the web can be improved very much, so there are a lot of proposals for it. But there is not much freedom if we want maximal efficiency. Maximal efficiency of the basal data structure is desirable to minimize costs. In this short contribution, we want to recall which shows that on the web efficient and uniform definition of information is possible using the basal data structure. This combination of a URL with numbers is called “Domain Vector” (DV) and searchable. All DVs with the same URL form a metric space called “Domain Space” (DS). The “online definition” defines in machine readable (standardized) way the DS and with this all contained DVs. A DV can precisely represent every definable information, from a simple word to complex multidimensional information e.g. in science, medicine, industry. shows a few examples and demonstrates search ability. The online definition can be multilingual but the meaning of DVs is language independent. DVs are internationally uniform and comparable, they allow well defined similarity search. The users create the online definitions and with this the search criteria. The URL locates the definition and can be abbreviated. Existing online definitions can be reused in new definitions, so that search over multiple DSs is possible. One of the next steps is determination of the exact standard for DS definitions. Everyone who recognizes the potential of the above data structure and who wants to improve efficiency of data representation on the web is invited to contribute.


Wolfgang Orthuber is Orthodontist and Mathematician and has interdisciplinary experience.


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