Comparative analysis of the facial profile characteristics among parents and their off springs: A correlational cross sectional study
Faisal Arshad
RajaRajeswari Dental College & Hospital, India.
: Dent Health Curr Res
Introduction: Facial profile Analysis of the facial profile is required for diagnosis and treatment planning in orthodontics. The South Indian race tends to have a convex facial profile and a more prominent zygomatic arch. The aim of this study was to do a comparative analysis of the facial profile among parents and their offsprings. by photometry. Materials and Methods: The total sample size was 30 male and female children of age under 18yrs with skeletal Class I, Class II and Class III patients. This cross-sectional study was carried on profile photographs of the parents and their offsprings. Photometric analysis using a custom made software was done and the degree of similarity between the profiles of parents and their offsprings was determined. All the data was entered into the excel sheet and sent for statistical analysis using SPSS software. Paired and unpaired tests were used to determine the statistical significance. Results: Significant heritability values were obtained for Class III and resemblance was greater for Offsprings with their fathers. Similarly in Class I also more resemblance of offspring was seen with father while as in Class II resemblance of offspring was seen more with mother.Angular measurements were more significant as compared to horizontal measurements (p<0.05). Conclusion: Photometric method can be considered as one of the methods of diagnosis in treatment planning in Orthodontics. This study revealed significant differences between facial profile of offsprings and parents. Keywords: facial profile, photometry, Graber method, Singh method
Dr. Faisal Arshad is a prominent figure in the field of orthodontics, serving at the Department of Orthodontics at RajaRajeswari Dental College & Hospital in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Renowned for his expertise in corrective dental procedures, Dr. Arshad is dedicated to enhancing smiles and improving oral health. His contributions to the field have earned him acclaim and respect among peers and patients alike.