Cholelithiasis and Hypothyroidism
Jagjit Singh
Adesh Medical College & Hospital, India
A prospective hospital based study was conducted on 100 patients of Cholelithiasis. All were screened for Hypothyroidism with thyroid function test and Cholelithiasis with ultra sonography of abdomen in those patients who visited our institute between the period of July 2016 to April 2017. Recent studies also demonstrated low bile flow in hypothyroid subjects. Furthermore, the Sphincter of Oddi expresses Thyroid hormone receptors and thyroxine has a direct pro-relaxing effect on the sphincter of Oddi. Both low bile flow and Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction are regarded as important functional mechanisms that may promote gallstone formation. There is an association between thyroid disorders and the presence of bile duct stones. Thyroid testing in patients with gallstone and bile duct stones is recommended because hypothyroidism may be a predisposing factor for stone passage from the gallbladder. Therefore, the aim of our study was to analyze the association between thyroid function and the risk of Cholelithiasis by using the hospital -based data. We got following results. Out of 100 patients of Cholelithiasis 27 were having hypothyroidism and 73 were having Cholelithiasis but no Hypothyroidism We conclude that there is a strong correlation between Hypothyroidism and Cholelithiasis, because Hypothyroidism causes alteration in lipid metabolism and decreases the contractility of Gall bladder leading to biliary stasis.
Jagjit Singh completed his MBBS, MD Medicine at the age of 27 years from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India. He is the Professor & Head at Adesh Medical College & Hospital affiliated by Pandit BD Sharma University Rohtak, Haryana, India. He has published more than 20 papers in reputed journal national and international level and international conferences and has been serving as member of reputed organizations.