Changing trends in acceptance of NSV
Rinku Srivastava
: Androl Gynecol: Curr Res
Background: Male participation in family planning is limited to two methods; condoms and male sterilization. The drop of 50% in male sterilization has been observed in UP from last decade. Although being a simple day procedure the uptake of NSV is quite low and social factors as illiteracy, male preference has been linked for low acceptance of methods besides prevalent myths related to effect on male vitality. Purpose/Objective: This study compared the change in trend observed in acceptability of NSV clients of two training centers on above mentioned social factors. Method: Data of NSV beneficiaries at NSV Training cum service provider Centre at 2 medical colleges in the year 2016-17 & 2017-18 for select period collected for three scenarios: • Age group of NSV Clients • Education qualification of nsv client and spouse • Number of alive child/children with the sex (M/F) of NSV client Findings: Data of 146 NSV clients of year 2016-17 & data of 44 NSV client of year 17-18 for two NSV training cum service provider Centre established at state medical college analyzed. It has been observed that 32 points increase observed in age group 25-35 years of age and decrease of 10 points in 25-30 years of age group. One positive decrease of 18 points observed in 41- 50 years of age group. 80% of NSV client and 50% of spouse of NSV clients have been found literate in year 16-17 while dip of 12 points in NSV clients and 44 points in client spouse observed in FY 17-18. It has been observed that 95% of NSV client has at least 2 or more children with good phenomenon observed as 1.5% acceptance by NSV client who has one or more only female children. Conclusion/Application: Education does play role in acceptance of NSV but not the major factor. Also, trend is shifting in terms of acceptance of NSV in younger age group of 30-40 years. Ultimate motivating factor is proper counseling and client’s selfinclination.