Ceramic coating and surface modification of non-toxic ceramic pigments
YooJin Kim, Ri Yu, Nari Lee, Jae-Hwan Pee and Suhong Min
Engineering Ceramic center Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, Icheon 17303 Republic of Korea Ceramic Ware Center, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, Icheon 17303 Republic of Korea
: J Nanomater Mol Nanotechnol
Generally, nano-sized pigments have reduced their original properties at high temperature and acidic/ basic condition. To retain and enhance the properties of ceramic pigments, we adopted coating approach. Core-shell structures were required with inorganic layer materials to prevent oxidation and aggregation. Silica (SiO2), tin (IV) oxide (SnO2), is a suitable material for use as an optical coating due to its transparency in the visible range and minimizing their oxidation and aggregation of nanoparticles. This work describes a means of improving the physical property and chemical stability of various pigments such as α-Fe2O3 (red), β-FeOOH (yellow), CoAl2O4 (blue) and TiO2 (white) through surface treatment and ceramic coating. To determine the stability of the coated pigments and their colloidal solutions under acidic and basic conditions, pigment solutions with various pH values were prepared and monitored over two week. We evaluated experimental tests of chemical stability to the CIE Lab. Details of the phase structure and optical properties of core-shell structures were characterized by UV-vis, TEM (transmission electron microscopy), CIE Lab color and XRD (powder X-ray diffraction).
YooJin Kim has completed his PhD in chemistry from Sunkyunkwan University and Postdoctoral Studies from School of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA. In 2007 he joined Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology, Icheon, South Korea. He has published more than 80 papers in reputed journals.
E-mail: yjkim@kicet.re.kr