Capsular warning syndrome in early post-partum period: A case report
Keith Moon Saberon
The Medical City Hospital Ü, Philippines
: Androl Gynecol: Curr Res
A 34 year old female, day 3 post-partum, with recurrent episodes of left sided paralysis resolving over a 30 to 45 minutes for 6 episodes, qualifying the criteria for Capsular Warning Syndrome with a 40% risk of developing complete stroke. Stroke rate during the postpartum period has increased for the past decade. Presenting this case will help obstetricians identify stroke in early post-partum and decide treatment strategies in stroke prevention where neurologists might not be available in distant parts of the country. A 34 year old primigravid, post cesarean section with left sided weakness. On her third post-operative day, suddenly had recurrent episodes of slurring of speech with left sided paralysis, left facial asymmetry, and bladder incontinence for 5 minutes, spontaneously resolving with 5-30 minutes interval for 6 episodes. Plain cranial MRI showed acute to subacute non-hemorrhagic infarct at the right posterior lenticulocapsular region. Stroke in the young work up showed normal results. She had elevated triglycerides, LDL and VLDL amidst strict diet control. She was given dual antiplatelet with Aspirin 80mg and Clopidogrel 75mg once a day for stroke prevention. Patient was discharged without neurologic deficit and had no recurrence of the capsular warning syndrome.
Keith is working at The Medical City Hospital Ü in Philippines. His research interests includes Adult Medicine, Acute Stroke, Neuropathy, Brain and Spinal Cord Diseases etc.