Biochemical comparison of two cytotypes (diploid & tetraploid) of Physalis angulata L., an important medicinal plant

Raman Preet and R C Gupta

Punjabi University Patiala, India

: J Plant Physiol Pathol


Two cytotypes of Physalis angulata L. I.E. diploid and tetraploid was studied meiotically and comparative biochemical analysis was performed for different parameters. Physalis angulata L. is medicinally important plant which is used in both traditional and medicinal system. Protein analysis was done: Different parts (fruit, leaf, stem and root) of Physalis angulata L. (diploid & tetraploid) and Solanum xanthocarpum were investigated for total protein content by following the standard methodology i.e. Lowry et al., 1951. Elemental analysis was done: Fruit, leaf, stem and root of Physalis angulata L. (diploid & tetraploid) were analyzed for different minerals with wavelength dispersive x-ray fluorescence. Fatty acid analysis was done: Different plant parts (fruit, leaf, stem and root) of Physalis angulata L. (diploid & tetraploid) were studied for different fatty acids by following the standard methodology given by S Ranganna. In sugar profile: Fruit, leaf, stem and root of Physalis angulata L. (diploid & tetraploid) were analyzed for different sugars by following the standard protocol of AOAC. Detection of some of the phenolic components of Physalis angulata L. was done.


Raman Preet is a Research Scholar under the supervision of Dr. R C Gupta, in field of Cytogenetics. She completed her MPhil. She has attended national and international conferences and published three international papers out of which one is communicated.


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