Benefit of isonatric dialysis patients over 70 years

Goumri Nabila, K. Thomas, M. Sacquepee and M. Amirou

Jacque Puell Rodez Hospita, France
Department Of Medicine Toulouse University France, France

: J Nephrol Ren Dis


Intradialytic hypotension (IDH) is still a major medical problem for hemodialysis patients over 70 years. isonatric dialysis has been an alternative able to reduce incidence of IDH and could help to improve hemodynamic stability in patients with cardiovascular comorbidities. Method: 24 patients were included in prospective study ( jan - april 2016) , we evaluated the impact of isonatric HD on cardiovascular stability during 24 sessions compared to conventional HD 12 sessions. Results: IDH 40,7% (Iso HD) VS 27,1% (conventional HD) P 0,005, the predialytic blood pressure pre HD PAS decrease from 12mmhg the differential between two groups P 0,014, the diastolic BP decrease from 3± 12 mmhg P=0,073), the dry weight did not vary significantly during the study 1.57±0,63 to 1.24±0,43, the number of intolerance symptoms was not significantly different except for vomiting 79/216 sessions (Iso HD) vs 134/432 (HD conventional) P 0,005, cramps 36/216 vs 24/432 sessions , nausea 67/216 vs 117/432, how we can see isonatric dialysis has an implication for hemodialysis tolerance also with patients over 70 years so it can be an option to management intradialytic hypotension we should think to revisiting prescription of Na dialysate.


Goumri Nabila has completed the Nephrology Internal Residency at the age of 28years from Algiers Medecin, nephrologist in practice from Rodez Hospital Toulouse University and Nephrologist TOURS CHU (2016-2017), LOUIS PASTEUR Chartres ( 2017-2018).

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