Application of Gordon in the care of a lung cancer patient with brain metastasis: A nursing experience
Jing-Yun Lin
Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
: J Nurs Patient Care
This paper discusses the care provided for lung cancer with brain metastasis patient. The pain from the cancer pain caused crying, irritable and hopelessness. The patient's family was uncertain about how to provide cancer care and alleviate distress, which led to the motivation for this paper. The goal of care is implementing basic education, emphasizing human care and communication to provide comprehensive care, and using empathy to evaluate the patient’s actual needs and not simply perceived needs so that the patient may return to society and be able to care for himself. It is hoped that by sharing this case experience and the planning of medical rehabilitation and systematic care, this study can serve as a reference to help other nurses when caring for similar patients. Care was provided from July 17 to August 29, application of Gordon's functional health patterns was used to assess the patient through conversation, observation and physical evaluation. Data collected found that the patient suffered from metastasis-related pain, hopelessness due to deteriorating physical condition and caregiver anxiety due to lack of skills. Palliative care was provided, and a caregiver-patient relationship was built with the family. Communication skills were used to help the family deal with loss and provide confidence and a sense of security. Lymphatic massage helped relieve pain and improve emotions and helped the patient cope with his situation.