An affordable 200 degree non-mydriatic retinal micro-camera that (RETINALCAM) is capable of imaging the peripheral retina to detect early signs of Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) for mass screening
Jerry Katzman
Emeritus New York Medical, USA
: Int J Ophthalmic Pathol
Diabetes is the most common cause of blindness, worldwide. Early diagnosis allows prompt treatment and prevention of Diabetic Maculopathy (DM). The earliest signs of diabetes are detectable by an examination of the vasculature of the peripheral retina. Long before the onset of Diabetic Maculopathy (DM) and central vision loss the peripheral retina harbors the ominous diagnosis. Routine exam with a hand ophthalmoscope only reveals a 60 degree view. Early diagnosis and diabetic control will prevent ultimate blindness. Current examination of the peripheral retina is performed in the ophthalmologist's office with pupillary dilation and imaging accessed by an expensive retinal camera with periodical office visits. This is time consuming and inconvenient for the patient. As the scarcity of trained specialist prevent adequate coverage for the massive global need, mass screening would lighten the load. There are 200,000 ophthalmologists and 200,000 optometrists worldwide. In the US there are 30 million people with diabetes and 7 million undiscovered. It is estimated that by that by 2030(10 years) there will be 100 million in the US and 500 million diabetics worldwide. The inexpensive retinalcam is able to screen masses through an undilated pupil with a 200 degree view and send a high resolution image to a consultant. Artificial Intelligence is in the process of development to further enhance the technology. Since the onset of the current pandemic tele-medicine has been widely accepted and utilized. The above described microcam designed for the office use has been modified for home monitoring. The "RetinalCam" is a patient home monitoring system that allows the patient to self monitor the retinal image for instant transmission to the doctor's office. The system is not only applicable to ophthalmologists and optometrists but includes all medical sub-specialties. Once pathology has been detected continuous remote management using the RetinalCam home monitoring system may be applied.
Jerry Katzman is the Company’s Chief Executive Officer, President, and Chairman of the Board of Directors. Katzman has always been an entrepreneur, scientist, and pioneer in medical science. His focus has targeted various biotechnology companies, biopharma, and Wall Street. Upon completion of his medical training, Katzman joined a multi-specialty group practice in Brandon, FL where he founded and established the group’s department of ophthalmology. Katzman graduated from Boston University with a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering in 1974 and thereafter earned his M.D. from the Universidad de Guadalajara in Jalisco, Mexico.