Advantages of conical abutments to prevent clinical complications in edentulous patients
Eriberto Bressan
University of Padua, Italy
: Dent Health Curr Res
Peri-implant disease represents a common finding among patients with dental implants. The prevalence for periimplant mucositis was reported at 43% (range, 19% to 65%). Pre-existing peri-implant mucositis in conjunction with lack of adherence to SPT is associated with a higher incidence of peri- implantitis. Therapy of peri-implant mucositis should be considered as a preventive measure for the onset of periimplantitis. The econometric fixed prosthesis shows several advantages for both, patients and Dentists, to prevent and to manage the biological complications. Also data on both in vitro and clinical performance of cone Morse retention are available, to confirm such trend on alternative of implantsupported restoration.
Dr. Eriberto Bressan is a Doctor of Dental Surgery and has completed his Phd. He is currently working as Professor at University of Padua, Italy.