Advancing the role of pharmacy investigational drug services: Rethinking the process of research in an urban setting by expanding the involvement of the research pharmacist
Jennifer L Colon
Temple University Hospital, USA
: J Pharm Drug Deliv
Residents of US urban communities are more likely to experience excess rates of heart disease, cancer, asthma, interpersonal violence, and other conditions when compared to persons from nonurban areas. Low-income residents, predominantly people of color, who are increasingly concentrated in cities and their surrounding metropolitan areas, bear a disproportionate burden of these diseases. Since there is such a large population of patients in urban areas that have health problems, one would assume an urban academic center would have large numbers of minority enrollment in clinical research. I would like to discuss and explore potential opportunities for new directions to research recruitment and enrollment in an urban setting as well as discuss barriers to research in urban minority communities that may be improved by increased pharmacist involvement. Currently, the role of a research pharmacist tends to be one that is administrative where there is no opportunity for patient interaction or counseling. By expanding the involvement of the research pharmacist into a role that includes patient interaction, counseling, and follow-up we will likely see an improvement in subject retention and interest in research as well as prevent medication mismanagement or errors. The role of the pharmacist as a direct contact for medication related questions would additionally increase patient compliance with their study medication as well as open a line of communication to discuss issues that may have been overlooked by other members of the study team both related to research medication and the research itself. The research pharmacist should be a role that is evolving to the forefront of clinical research to ultimately improve patient outcomes and clinical trial success.