Advaita Vedanta: A model of spiritual development and psychological well-being

Swami Brahmaparananda Saraswati, Swami Atmaprakashananda Saraswati and Neha Sharma

Arsha Vidya Tirtha, India
Arsha Vidya, UK
Warwick Research Services, UK

: Int J Ment Health Psychiatry


Although religion and spirituality typically incorporate significant affective and relational components in Advaita Vedanta, these components been examined both systematically and empirically. In the present paper, spiritual teachings of Advaita Vedanta and aims to identify and amplify the implicit psychology that is embedded in the texts of the tradition in explored. Advaita Vedanta is a school of Indian philosophy and tradition teaching tradition to spiritual realization. Advaita emphasizes the true nature of the human individual is a non-dual self (Atman) which is manifestations of one undivided universal self (Brahman). This model for the structure and function of the human psyche is the individual Jiva; which in a state of unawareness and ignorance, see "I-ness", then act out of impulse, anger, fears, confusion, anxiety, passions and a sense of ego. These ignorance leads to bondage caused by inborn ignorance (Avidyā) of this fact and liberation (Mokṣa) is what takes place when a person gains knowledge of this truth. Present study uses a methodology to study bondage and liberation through different levels of realities, three state of consciousness and practices of selfrealization. Vedanta brings to lung an understanding of the Vedantic vision of the self, which extends his psychological understanding of the psyche to include the self as revealed in the Upanishads (Vedanta).



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