Adaptation to climate change (micro) in agroforestry systems

Abhishek Mani Tripathi

Global Change Research Center, Czech Republic

: J Plant Physiol Pathol


Evidence shows increasing climate change and a consequent alteration in physical systems of the earth. For food, agriculture is one of the main sources on earth but this area is suffering from climate change on a large scale. On other hand, because of industrialization, deforestation is a major problem and limiting source of fossil fuels. Agroforestry interventions, due to their ability to provide economic, ecological and environmental/microclimatic benefits are considered to be the best in making communities to adapt and become resilient to the impacts of climate change. Agroforestry can add a high level of diversity within agricultural land. The essential elements of agroforestry systems may play an important role in the adaptation to climate change, which include changes in the microclimate, mitigating climate change (reducing carbon emission and increasing carbon sequestration), improving soil fertility, and protect the soil erosion from wind and water. The role of agroforestry systems in the adaptation to expected changes in climate by slivoarable in Europe, smallholder (home gardens and parklands) farmers in sub-Saharan Africa protect coffee from high temperatures and large scale (intercropping) in India and China in particular ecological/microclimatic, economic and production services that communicate resilience to the impact of climate change. Agroforestry is a traditional farming system which is no longer popular in Europe but still being widely practiced in developing countries for example India, China, Kenya, Tanzania and Mexico etc.


Abhishek Mani Tripathi completed his MSc in Forestry from Forest Research Institute University, Dehradun, India. He is a Researcher at Global Change Research Center and simultaneously pursuing his PhD (Forest Ecology and Landscape Engineering) at Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic. He has more than 20 publications (including peer reviewed journals, book chapters and conference proceedings) and delivered few lectures in national and international conferences. He has attended many national and international conferences, workshops and summer schools including two months research stay at University of Antwerp, Belgium.

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