Acupressure for induction of labor case study

Loredana Zordan

Midwife University College London, UK

: J Womens Health, Issues Care


Introduction: Acupressure is a Chinese technique that involves the use of finger pressure on specific points along the body. It has been used to induce labor in cases of post maturity. Post maturity can pose a risk for the unborn child increasing the risk of still birth. The acupressure points commonly used for induction of labor have a very strong effect on the energy of the uterus, causing uterine activity and promoting a downward expulsion of the fetus. Oxytocin is the most common induction agent used for induction of labor. It can be very useful to induce labor, but can also cause strong contractions, that can reduce the supply of blood and oxygen to the fetus causing fetal distress and on rare occasions, rupture of the uterus. Case Study: A 36 years old primigravida, with an uncomplicated pregnancy, booked for home birth. Hospital induction was booked for post maturity at 41.5 weeks of gestation. Three days before the medical induction was due, her Bishop score was ≤6 which indicated that cervical ripening was indicated. She started using acupressure to help establish contractions and promote cervical dilatation. Author was called after two days as she was contracting; the bishop score was greater than seven. Author also used specific points to augment labor, as she was contracting irregularly. After one hour the contractions became more regular, 3 to 4 every 10 minutes. On vaginal examination, the cervix was effaced, anterior and the os 6 cm dilated. The membranes were still in intact cephalic presentation, with station at the ischial spines. After four hours, the cervix was fully dilated and she had a spontaneous vertex delivery after one hour a male infant, was born in good condition and weighing 3.800 Kg. Conclusion: The woman and her partner were very satisfied with their birth experience, especially as they could have the home birth they wanted. They avoid being admitted to the hospital for a medical induction of labor. Acupressure increases the chance of achieving a natural childbirth, preventing potential problems which may occur during the medical induction process.


Loredana Zordan is an Acupuncturist and a Midwife. She is teaching nationally and internationally by conducting workshop for midwives on the use of acupressure for pregnancy and birth. Since the introduction of the workshop in Italy “Acupressure for pregnancy and birth” many hospitals are introducing acupressure to facilitate labor induction and pain relieve in labor. This allows midwives to expand their role, becoming more complete and independent practitioner, acupressure being drug free and therefore not having harmful teratogenic effect, provides a much safer and satisfying childbirth experience as well as facilitating a more natural and less medicalized childbirth.


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