ABG: Gold standard in ED
Ravindra Kumar Das
Darbhanga Medical College, India
: J Nurs Patient Care
Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) measurements are now widely used in hospitals, particularly in intensive care unit (ICU) where its main use is monitoring of ventilated patients and patients of complex diseases. This is the only test which is indicated in almost all presenting problem of emergency department (ED). Test should be done prior to start of therapy. Doctors in general and patients in particular are not getting the benefit of ABG due to non availability of simple and complete method of analysis of the measurement particularly in complex disease where the mortality is high. Completely interpreted report helps in diagnosis, management, referral and in some cases indicate about prognosis also. Management of the patient in the background of analyzed ABG report definitely reduces the mortality particularly in mixed disorder. Introduction of “rkdas Indian 2017 method of ABG interpretation”, which also interprets accuracy of measurements and it is simple, step wise, true, systematic and a combination of different methodology. ABG has now become most accurate test possible without restriction in emergency department. After taking out the arterial blood according to the protocol, the ABG measurement is taken from the machine and analyzed in the following steps:- Accuracy of ABG, Gas analysis, Electrolyte analysis, Acid-base analysis, Complete diagnosis. In my opinion if ABG machine is provided in peripheral hospitals world-wide, after a short training of the doctors posted there, it will change the scene of diagnosis, management, referral and mortality of the patients with high level of confidence among treating doctors.
Ravindra Kumar Das has completed MD (Medicine) in 1994 from Darbhanga Medical College, Bihar, India. He has received times of India achievers award in 2015 and silver certificate of BMJ in 2017. There are 12 publications in different journals, publication of my chapter in two medicine updates and he is engaged in department of internal medicine and in different research work.
E-mail: drrk.das@gov.in