A study on the relationship between warfarin related knowledge, medication adherence, and sick role behavior of cardiac valve surgery patients
Jung Sun Lee
Asan Medical Center, South Korea
: J Nurs Patient Care
Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between Warfarin related knowledge, medication adherence and sick role behavior of cardiac valve surgery patients. Methods: The participants were 124 patients (outpatient unite). Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using t-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation, stepwise regression. Result: The duration of Warfarin averaged 2.6±274 months, and 42.7% of participants remembered their blood coagulation value (INR) and 80.5% of patients were warfarin-educated (Individual education, group education) but 42.7% of patients had side effects. The mean score for drug-related Knowledge was 9.7 points out pf a possible 13 points. medication adherence was 6.6 points out of a possible 8 points, sick role behavior was 6.6 points out of a possible 18 points. Conclusion: Marriage, activity level (NYHA 1.2), and knowledge factors influenced sick role behavior. The result indicates that there is a need to enhance the level of drug-related knowledge to increase positive behavior as part of the sick role of these patients. Sick role behavior explained factor was 25.1%. As a result, it is necessary to develop programs that can strengthen family mediation and improve heart functioning performance in warfarin-related education.
Jung Sun Lee works as an APN at the Asan Medical Center in Seoul and is responsible for the education, counseling and management of patients undergoing cardiac surgery. She is also attending the Department of Nursing in Hanyang University.