A study on the effect of myofascial decompression using electrotherapeutic Vis-A-Vis mechanical vacuum therapy in non-specific low back pain among housekeeping staff
Tushar J Palekar
Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Physiotherapy, India
: J Athl Enhance
Statement of Problem: Musculoskeletal pain is a major cause of morbidity with extensive economic and societal consequences. Cleaners work is characterized by long standing hours, constant forward leaning of the body and also repetitive movements of the upper limb. As physiotherapists, it is important to seek and appreciate a wide ranging, more over interrelated model of what happens to the body's tissues following any trauma and how we facilitate health in our patients. This study therefore, focuses on evaluating the effects of electrotherapeutic vacuum therapy modality and integrated modern technologies of mechanical vacuum therapy tools to release myofascia over low back pain.
Objective: To assess and compare the effects of myofascial decompression using electrotherapeutic and mechanical vacuum therapy in non specific low back pain among house keeping staff. 30 female house keeping participants fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria were assigned into two groups (15 each); Group A (Electrotherapeutic Vacuum Therapy) and Group B (Mechanical Vacuum Therapy) by consecutive sampling method. Treatment comprised for 3 days/ week (alternate days) for two weeks. Both groups underwent five minute session of spinal based exercises (back extension, posterior pelvic tilt, bridging exercises, and partial sit-ups) 10 reps with a 5 seconds hold time. VAS for pain assessment and Modified Schobers Test (MST) – flexion and extension was taken.
Results: On comparing the differences between the groups, pre and post score for VAS (at rest and activity) was not statistical significant (p-value= 0.317). Also, there was no statistical significant difference (p-value= 0.076) observed when the differences of MST flexion and extension (p-value= 0.179). Its concluded that both the techniques are equally effective in managing pain and improving lumbar range of motion.
Tushar J Palekar has completed his PhD at Dr. D.Y.Patil Vidyapeeth (Deemed University) Pune, India. He is the Principal of Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Physiotherapy, DPU, Pune, India, since 15 years, a premier educational institute in India. He has published more than 66 papers in reputed UGC approved and indexed international journals. He has got many Awards from Physiotherapy Associations for his work recognitions and contribution in the field of physiotherapy.
E-mail: principal.physio@dpu.edu.in