A study on current status of university health care programs in South Korea
Jeong Hee Park
Masan University, South Korea
: J Nurs Patient Care
To introduce the history and current status of university health care program of South Korea, to identify the strength and limitation of university health care in South Korea the University Health Care Program of South Korea. The history of university health to introduce Yi et al study Other university health study The strength of South Korean university health limitation of South Korean university health For the future
Jeong Hee Park is professor at Department of Nursing of Masan University since 1985 teaching Community Health Nursing. She received a B.S. from Seoul National University in 1978, and a Master of Eductional from Seoul National University in 1983. She holds a PhD in Education from Kyungbook National University.
E-mail: parkjh@masan.ac.kr